The Young Turks are epic con artists, since they ignored the real Katthleen Bennett story like the rest of the corrupt & compromised media. Plus people connected to the Young Turks were involved in the real Kathleen Bennett story. TYT is neck deep in corruption as they claim to hate corruption.

The Young Turks big donor Nexus (a group full of inherited billionaires) and Wes Clark Jr’s and Michael A Wood Jr’s Standing Rock Vet Organization put an innocent Native American woman Kathleen Bennett behind bars and they kidnapped her elderly mother Mary Trujillo (at the age of 82) who had dementia and Mary was put into a a corrupt hell hospital in Bismark North Dakota. TYT didn’t give a damn about any of this and I’m guessing Cenk accepted this with ease thinking “No one will ever know about all of this anyways. I love getting Nexus’s money. …” TYT obviously really wanted the oil pipeline put in at Standing Rock, since their big donor Nexus wanted this and so did Wes Clark Jr’s and Michael A Wood Jr’s  Standing Rock Vet organization(as Nexus acted like Water Protectors at Standing Rock and  Wes’s and Mike’s organization acted like they were helping the Water protectors and TYT acted like they were for the water protectors). I know this sounds shocking and unbelievable, yet it’s true. The evidence has been exposed on the little Minnesota radio show/podcast show/and Facebook show “A Mexican Crossing Lines”and there’s many shows to watch from January 2017 til September 2018. They obviously exposed a lot of evidence or showed their receipts as they say. Cindy Gomez-Schempp the main host on this show did most of the investigative journalism and she did the interviews.


Now The Young Turks show/network claim they stand up for everyone and especially for minorities and for the environment, yet they didn’t give a damn when their donor Nexus and Wes’s and Mike’s organization put an innocent Native American woman into jail and threw this woman’s Native American elderly mother with dementia into a corrupt hell hospital and again TYT wanted that oil pipeline put in at Standing Rock. Haven’t The Young Turks hosts said over and over again they hate it when people get falsely put into jail and prison and they say they hate police corruption? They’ve said  that for years and i’m sure  they still say all of  it now. The local cops in North Dakota had no problem putting an innocent Native American woman Kathleen Bennett into jail without any physical evidence and on flimsy and pathetic ‘witnesses” statements. Cenk and Ana especially act like the big heroes in the media and they say they’re so passionate, they care so much about  everyone and stand up for everyone and stand up to the powerful and stand up saying what’s wrong and fight for millions, being Young Turks!!!! Yet again they sure had no problem when they heard of Kathleen Bennett’s suffering and plight and how she was wrongly jailed and how she was facing a 20 yr prison sentence. They didn’t care about how Mary Trujillo, Kathleen Bennett’s elderly mother an 82 yr old woman suffered horribly in that corrupt hell hospital (Mary got bedsores, she was given morphine all of the time for no physical reason and she got a sore on her foot or near her foot, which was dangerous, cause she was diabetic. This hospital literally abused and neglected Mary Trujillo). TYT says they’re different from the rest of the media and say they are so real and they have so much integrity and they’re not bought out/bought off. A Native American woman suffered horrendously in a corrupt hell hospital for four months and another one was falsely thrown into jail for six months and faced a 20 yr prison sentence,which was also  a horrible separation of a family and TYT was like “ehh, we don’t care we love Nexus!!!! Woooh!!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


Now Cindy Gomez-Schempp who hosts “A Mexican Crossing Lines” and who did amazing investigative journalism to find out that Kathleen Bennett never abused her elderly mom thought TYT would help her when she showed TYT the evidence and TYT said yes they wanted this evidence and she gave it to TYT and TYT said they wanted to talk to her on a certain day and when that certain day was coming around they contacted Cindy and said they don’t want to talk to her anymore and on that particular day they talked to the Standing Rock phonies and made these phonies look like heroes and I think these phonies helped to frame Kathleen and put Kathleen’s mom into a corrupt hell hospital. Cindy was stunned speechless. TYT was on board with Nexus it  looks like  and TYT looked to have done Nexus’s bidding and made the bad people/phonies of Standing Rock look like heroes. Cenk must have saw Cindy’s evidence and thought he cant do a hack job on her like he thought he could and he must have let Nexus know about this evidence and he must have made a deal with Nexus that of course he and his show and network will always cover this up (i mean Cenk was probably thinking of dollar signs and connections and power. Cenk must have also thought, “this is just part of the media GAME and being in the game is so great and who cares who got hurt along the way and who will get hurt in the future. I love being rich and famous and having power!! I’m awesome!!!”). Cenk and the rest probably thought, “Cindy is a little nobody and who cares and no one will know about what she uncovered, we’re fine. Ha ha ha!”


Again Cenk acting like the big hero for everyone is an epic sick and twisted joke. He doesn’t care about a lot of people and he has to be the biggest egomaniac in the media. He is a VERY self-centered man. He is a con man and a Youtube evangelist. He seriously probably thought of Kathleen Bennett and Mary Trujillo as less than and who cares about Native Americans, cause getting money and power and connections from Nexus is way more important!!!  Cenk didn’t lose any sleep about the suffering of these women. Nexus and Wes Clark Jr’s and Michael A Wood Jr’s Standing Rock Vet Organization hurt a lot of innocent Water Protectors at Standing Rock and they weren’t the only fake Left people causing chaos at Standing Rock.  Cenk and his Young Turks never cared and were on board for the other fake Left people doing their nefarious actions, cause the Left is fucking corrupt and is a damn mess.


In June of 2017 Wes Clark Jr took Kathleen Bennett’s witnesses to The Young Turks studio/office in Culver City/L.A so they were able to talk to only Ana Kasparian (Cenk was on vacation at this time) and they told Ana what they saw and they showed the evidence gathered by Cindy Gomez-Schempp (I think it was just what she gathered/found out). Ana looked at the evidence and heard what Kathleen Bennett’s witnesses said and Ana said that Kathleen Bennett has been through injustice and she said or basically promised that TYT will cover this important story. Well, of course of course of course TYT never covered this story. After maybe two weeks one of the witnesses Josh Long contacted Ana and asked her why TYT hasn’t done the story yet and Ana said something like “Wes is acting oddly, so I don’t want to do this story anymore. Bye.” I think Ana was matter of fact and cold to Josh Long(Josh was a big TYT fan and I think he was a paying member so he was stunned at how Ana/TYT was being).  ???????????????????????????????????????? I guess Wes told Ana what was going on and told Ana to put on an act to give Cindy Gomez-Schempp(she had hope that strong willed Ana would get through to Cenk), Josh Long and Russell Vasquez (Kathleen Bennett’s son) false hope and calm them down and then TYT will have more time in thinking about how to deal with Cindy and the rest. ??? I’m guessing what  Ana thought was  her career is more important than how Mary Trujillo suffered in that hell hospital and also her career is more important than Kathleen Bennett sitting in jail and facing a 20 year prison sentence. I bet Ana hated Cindy Gomez-Schempp when she learned about Cindy and I’m guessing Ana still hates Cindy now. Ana has watched a few of Cindy’s shows called “Reel Idiots” and I bet Ana didn’t like what she saw and heard. I bet Ana has thought, “Cindy is not going to wreck my career! A career I’ve worked so worked  hard for!!!”


Again, ignoring the REAL Kathleen Bennett story is something that everyone would think that TYT would to be against. Cenk and Ana and the rest were bought and had to keep their mouths shut. Yet Cenk and Ana and the other Young Turks act like they are the super heroes of the media and that they’re so different from the rest of the media as the rest of the media also ignored the real Kathleen Bennett story (it looks like Nexus funds the whole media). Plus again,Wes Clark Jr’s and Michael A Wood Jr’s Standing Rock vet organization helped Nexus to falsely jail Kathleen Bennett and kidnapped Mary Trujillo and threw Mary into that corrupt hell hospital; i mean this connection to TYT is stunning and many TYT fans and others gave Michael A Wood Jr their money when he set up his GOFUNDME for his Standing Rock Vet organization and their money was used for nefarious actions, which included putting Kathleen Bennett behind bars and put Mary Trujillo into a hell hospital and this organization fleeced these people too (these people certainly didn’t want their money to be used for nefarious actions and they certainly didn’t want to be fleeced). Of course of course of course TYT could never ever go near the real Kathleen Bennett story.  TYT and the rest of the Left media and Indy left media of all media weren’t able to and still cant go near the real Kathleen Bennett story as well as the right-wing media etc(it’s too much that all of these media outlets really wanted that oil pipeline put in and it looks like certain  little left Indy media outlets kept quiet about the real Kathleen Bennett story due to being connected to certain media outlets and the other little Left Indy media outlets  have been and still are loyal and blinded by love so they’d never ever believe the real Kathleen Bennett story. Also when Cindy Gomez-Schempp moved  heaven and earth to get  Kathleen Bennett completely exonerated no media wanted  to cover this, they just didn’t  want to cover this woman getting exonerated. Kathleen Bennett is  still known as the wicked woman who horribly abused and neglected  her elderly mother Mary Trujillo at Standing Rock. No media outlet even wants to clear Kathleen Bennett’s name (the fake story of  Kathleen Bennett abusing  and neglecting  her mom went all over  the  country. That’s what Nexus wanted).


I hear Ana Kasparian and John Iadorolla say that they and the rest really don’t make that much money in the media business, cause they work for a real and great little media outlet/network that stands up for everyone and they’re so different from the rest of the bought out media (eye roll). It’s too much, people. These people should win Youtube Oscars. So  TYT doesn’t have any integrity. TYT is bought out/bought off and they’re not as real as they claim to be. TYT saying all of these things is nothing, but an act.

3 thoughts on “The Young Turks are epic con artists, since they ignored the real Katthleen Bennett story like the rest of the corrupt & compromised media. Plus people connected to the Young Turks were involved in the real Kathleen Bennett story. TYT is neck deep in corruption as they claim to hate corruption.

    1. I love it, thank you so much! Thanks so much for all of the information. You put a lot of work into your blog posts. I love how you call out Ana and Cenk.

      Ana Kasparian is the worst. She cries how Armenians all cant stand her. Ana wanted every Armenian person to fall down and worship her. I mean her ego is ENORMOUS! She gladly threw her own people under the bus for fame and fortune, for her career as she also want4d them to worship her (???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). She’s said she’s culturally Hispanic(I guess she’s been culturally Hispanic since she was a teenager til now) and that she doesn’t like Armenian culture/Armenian American culture. She’s said that all Armenian men are the worst sexist men and that all Armenians are conservative. Ana said that Hovik Manucharyan is a sexist Armenian men like all of the rest on Twitter i guess over a year ago back on May 23, 201 and he never tweeted anything sexist towards her, she just said that as a very weird deflection (Ana loves deflecting when she cant answer valid criticism. Yet she’s also talked on the other side of her mouth saying she’s a proud Armenian (????). Yes a proud Armenian would have lied about Hovik an Armenian American saying he’s sexist out of nowhere (????!!!). I think the only Armenians she likes is herself and her immediate family and that’s it. I’ve never seen anyone in the public spotlight not stand their own people like Ana has and she continues to get away with it. ???????????????? It’s disgusting. And of course Ana has never cared about her boss Cenk Uygur supporting the worst Armenian genocide denying organizations in the U.S, ATAA and TCA and he probably still supports them and Cenk will never say the details about the Armenian genocide and Ana the Armenian doesn’t give a damn. Why does Ana have such disgust and disdain for Armenians, it’s so bizarre. ??? Of course an Ana the Armenian who doesn’t like Armenians ran to work for an Armenian genocide denier on a show and then network called The Young Turks.

      And real progressives have been calling out Ana Kasparian on Twitter and under TYT Youtube videos and I guess on Facebook too etc for months and Ana hates it! She wants to bitch slap all of these people for daring to criticize her, the Queen!!!!! LOL!!! They have called Ana a fauxgressive and they’ve called her narcissistic (she is!). Ana has never been so criticized on the Left in her life. Ana thought it would be a great idea to say half-truths about Rep. Tulsi Gabbard who’s running for president and essentially do smear jobs and hit pieces on Tulsi, my god did that blow up in Ana’s face! Ana is still doing this crap and she started back in late March of this year! Of course Ana is too arrogant/smug to ever admit she’s been wrong(Emma Vigeland who’s on TYT has done the same crap about Tulsi and Michael Brooks from the online show The Majority Report has stood up for Ana and Emma like a Knight in shining armor. smh). Ana is sure dividing the Left! It’s been glorious to see Ana get criticized by her own base and her own newly former TYT fans. The one thing Ana cannot stand is being criticized and she cant throw out that these people are dumb right-wingers so that’s why she’s very annoyed to the 10th degree. Ana just isnt a real progressive like she has claimed to be for all of these years. TYT sold out like 2 yrs ago and it still shows. Yet poor Ana has to still deal with the blow black and her contempt for these people she probably views as mere peasants is off the charts! You can see some of this fun on Ana’s tweets, seeing certain twitter threads. I love it!!! ahahahahaha!


    2. Ana works for a corrupt and compromised show/Network The Young Turks as she acts like The Young Turks is so real and pure and care about everyone. She’s a damn liar and a hypocrite of the highest order!


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